
Sunday, January 29, 2017


This will link you to the Google docs page for the new schedule (click the "this"). It's under files in Canvas too.

Remember, I need your blog address on the Google doc. But also try and link your blog to my blog. I know it's possible. It's called a "blog roll" I think. Either way, we need to be blog friends, as it were.

If you're having technical difficulties, remember to be in the browser Google chrome and with an Gmail address that's not affiliated with UNR. Also, a lot of this stuff can be done on a phone as well, so just get the Blogger app. It's free.

Google + has to be enabled as well, but that has only been a problem for one person, for whom we had to begin with a new Gmail address, totally shut down and restart the computer, log into with the browser Google Chrome and with the new, non-UNR Gmail address, and then into Google + first. Then, after we were logged into Google + with the new, non-UNR Gmail address, then we signed up for Blogger.

Also remember that it's important with the Google Site to select file cabinet when you're making the audio page. And when you input the HTML for the audio, you have to be in the HTML section of your post.

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